
“This class contains great information on writing and publishing picture books. I highly recommend!”

Susan B

“Tracy has a keen editorial eye and does an excellent job spotting ways to fully draw out the potential in an author’s writing. I always trusted her opinion on manuscripts she read for me and was consistently impressed with her insightful evaluations and thorough edit letters. She also has a fantastic, positive personality that makes her a joy to work with. I highly recommend her!”

Carrie Pestritto, Agent with Laura Dail Literary Agency

“Tracy is a genius with rhyme. Not only are her rhyming books some of my kids' and my favorites, but as her critique partner, I have been amazed at how creatively and quickly she can suggest the most adorable and fun rhymes for my own manuscripts. Any writer that has the opportunity to learn from her should take full advantage, no question!”

Tamara Girardi, author of "Why, Daddy? Why?" and YA titles including "Gridiron Girl" and "Above the Fold"

“I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to change a thing about my book. I was already emotionally invested in my story and thought it needed minor rephrasing at most. When she initially suggested a major change, I had a knee-jerk negative reaction, but (thanks to discussion and her encouragement) I allowed myself the freedom to just EXPLORE her ideas. As a result, I now have two viable books. The new book she helped draw out of me was much stronger and clearer than the original, yet I was able to keep my original intent and emotional connection intact. Tracy was efficient and prompt, even when I struggled to be. I appreciate that she was ready with feedback whenever I was ready to receive it, which kept the creative juices flowing. I highly recommend her and would work with her again!”

Alyssa B., Picture Book Writer from Reedsy

Take a Look Inside

Where Tracy Teaches

Groups that have hosted Tracy's classes include...

Reedsy Logo

Course curriculum

    1. A Quick and Fun Introduction to Writing Picture Books

    1. Your Project: Write a Picture Book

    1. Who is Going to Illustrate the Book?

    1. How to Choose your Path to Publishing Picture Books: Traditional or Self Publishing?

    1. Why You Should Write More than One Picture Book

    1. Basic Types of Picture Books and Typical Length

About this course

  • $29.99
  • 13 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

More Than Just Videos

Not only can you download extra resources when you join this class, you also become a member of a community of students.

  • Picture Book Templates

    New writers tend to be overwhelmed by the nitty gritty of what a picture book should look like in a word document. It's not that complex! Download my templates for examples of what rhyming, free verse, and prose picture books look like. I've done all the annoying picky formatting for you, and you can just plug in your own information and text.

  • Picture Book Prompts and Resources

    Can't quite put a finger on an idea for your picture books? I have a fun list of of writing prompts to inspire you! I also share my favorite resources for going beyond the basics in an easy, downloadable format.

  • Student Community

    Each video lesson comes with a discussion question. Plus, my courses on Thinkific connect to a community that can be accessed by all of my students. Chat with fellow students and with me, see useful past conversations, and make new friends!


Tracy C. Gold

Hi! I love inspiring writers as a teacher, mentor, and editor. I have taught many real-time in person and online courses before, and I'm looking forward to sharing my knowledge with a larger audience. In the past, I've taught through Johns Hopkins' continuing education program, the Society of Children's Book Writers, the University of Baltimore, and more. I always aim to make my classes fun and interactive. When I teach, I share what I've learned from writing my own books, working with many writers as a teacher and editor, and working for a literary agent. My published and forthcoming picture books include “Everyone’s Sleepy but the Baby,” “Call Your Mother,” “Trick or Treat, Bugs to Eat,” and “Hide and Seek, Nuts to Eat.” The first two are published by Familius, and the second two are published by Sourcebooks. I earned my M.F.A. in Creative Writing and Publishing Arts at the University of Baltimore and earned my B.A. in English from Duke University. When I'm not writing or editing, I'm playing with my kid or hanging out with horses and dogs. I can't wait to get to know you and your work!


  • Can I take this class if I'm a total writing beginner?

    Yes! Please join us. If you have questions that aren't covered in the course material, I'm happy to chat via email or in the discussion for the class.

  • Would this class be good for an advanced picture book writer??

    This class focuses on the basics. If you have already taken a live class with me about picture books, or if you have attended several conferences and webinars, you may have already covered this content. Feel free to reach out at [email protected] to check with me.

  • What materials do I need to take this class?

    An internet connection and and a playful, open mind!

  • Can you offer this class live to my school/organization/writing group?

    Sure! Contact me at [email protected] to set something up.


Yes, your writing is worth it!

You deserve to give your writing a shot. Your ideas are worth exploring. Whatever you don't know, you can learn. Besides, picture book writing should be fun, even if you decide never to send your books out into the world! We are here to play and create.